What is a VPN and why should you use one? IoT, SSID, VPN; The tech world is full of acronyms commonly used to refer to technological jargon. Today, we will take a look into one of the most commonly used acronyms, VPNs, and help you get a better understanding of what a VPN is and…Continue Reading
Once upon a time devices needed to be physically connected to an internet connection or even worse- a phone line in order to browse the web. We don’t often think about those dark days since virtually everywhere you go, cordless and wireless connection is available for your phone, tablet, laptop, and even computer. Most houses…Continue Reading
What is a Firewall and why should you have one? One of the first things you are asked when setting up a new network in your home or business is “do you have a firewall?” Now, we often think of a large wall somewhere in cyberspace that helps secure your computer but what is a…Continue Reading
When we first think of “the cloud” we either think of those white, fluffy things we used to pretend were animals or the annoying message that pops up on our phones asking us to purchase more cloud space. But what really is it? You may not have any idea what it really is but the…Continue Reading
In 2017, data breaches affected over 5.5 million patient records. Attacks are becoming more sophisticated, making it difficult for in-house IT teams to adequately protect healthcare organizations from ever-increasing threats and securing patient data. As threats continue to plague the healthcare industry, many organizations are turning to managed IT services to secure patient data. Security…Continue Reading
No company is safe from human error. Statistics indicate that every year, over one billion records of data are compromised due to common mishaps. More than 90 million IT-related accidents are reported in the US alone. It gets worse; A whopping average of $15 million in damages relentlessly plague even the most prestigious and security…Continue Reading
Security is such an important factor of every day life that an annual day of recognition for has been established. Given the state of security and the advent of hackers and cybercrime in recent history, one would think that this occasion had been established as a direct response. The fact is, Computer Security Day is…Continue Reading
On November 23, 2017, a new RansomWare outbreak called Scarab, (first discovered in June by Michael Gillespie, was being distributed to approximately 12.5 million email addresses in the first hours alone. The virus was sent to domains that were primarily .com addresses. It also found its way to other top level domain extensions like .co.uk,…Continue Reading
The Holidays are now upon us and many will traveling. Whether it is to visit relatives, a secondary corporate location or client site across the country, travel may be part of your plans. In this day and age and considering the Internet Of Things and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), the practice of taking extra…Continue Reading
Password security is increasingly becoming a major concern for people and businesses on a personal and professional level. Keeping your systems, devices and networks secure with strong passwords is an absolute must today. There is a good reason why Netflix warns users to change their passwords. When successful giants like LinkedIn, Google, eHarmony, Yahoo and…Continue Reading