Image of ransomware affecting a computer

What Is Ransomware And How Can It Affect Your Company?

In August, a new version of ransomware hit the Internet. Discovered by Jakub Kroustek at AVG Technologies, this one is exceptionally worrisome as it masquerades as a Windows update. It even sports a phoney Microsoft 2016 copyright. When you install it, instead of installing Microsoft files as it claims, it encrypts all of your files,…Continue Reading


Is Your Firewall Protection Doing Its Job?

A firewall is a very important element of network security, but mismanaged implementation can lead to a slow system that’s nearly impossible to update and debug. To make sure that your company’s own firewall is doing its job, consider these tips, tricks, and reminders. What Is a Firewall? Every online network needs security to keep…Continue Reading


Learn How To Identify Tech Support Scams

If there’s one thing that’s been proven in the tech world, it’s that scammers will stop at nothing to deceive and manipulate innocent computer users. One of the more recent scams comes from an unexpected source: the telephone. Learn to recognize suspicious scamming behavior so that you can protect your resources. Scamming: What and Why?…Continue Reading


Introducing Mac Ransomware

If the term “ransomware” makes you think of kidnappings and money exchanges, your brain is on the right track. Until now, ransomware has existed and caused havoc only on PC computers, but Apple users might now have something to worry about. A Quick Guide to Ransomware True to its name, ransomware is a prevalent and…Continue Reading


The Dangers Of Lurking Malware

Crime in real life is relatively simple to avoid: Don’t spend your time with dangerous people, don’t engage in violence, and use law enforcement to your advantage. Crime in the cyber world, however, is far more challenging to predict and sidestep. “Malware” is the overall term used for programs that are installed on your computer…Continue Reading