
Cloud Security: Myth Vs Reality

As cloud technology continues to expand and work its way into every business environment, workers and IT professionals are trying to distinguish between the fact and fiction regarding cloud security. There are plenty of myths that, despite holding no truth, have scared companies into changing their order of operations. A Quick Summary of the Cloud…Continue Reading


How Is BYOD Changing The Workplace?

Chances are you’re familiar with the acronym BYOB, but what about BYOD? Bring Your Own Device is a new trend impacting workplaces all around the country. History of BYOD Technology is evolving at light speed, and it’s not always possible for companies to maintain the newest and most efficient technology devices. With new phones, iPads,…Continue Reading


How Small And Medium Businesses Are Joining The Cloud

A major change has occurred between 2011 and 2016: small and medium-sized businesses are joining the ranks of the millions of businesses already using the Cloud for business storage and data protection. Before 2011, a very small number of small businesses utilized the incredible potential of the cloud, but over the last few years an…Continue Reading


The Dangers Of Lurking Malware

Crime in real life is relatively simple to avoid: Don’t spend your time with dangerous people, don’t engage in violence, and use law enforcement to your advantage. Crime in the cyber world, however, is far more challenging to predict and sidestep. “Malware” is the overall term used for programs that are installed on your computer…Continue Reading


The Difference Between Break-Fix And Managed IT Services

As computer network technology expands and becomes more complex, the need for specialized technical support for computer systems increases. Information Technology (IT) is a rapidly expanding field that has gone from the hands of amateurs turned professional into a multi-billion dollar industry. Many of the early computer networks were set up by amateurs. They networks…Continue Reading


The Benefits Of Using IT Managed Services For Your Company

Nowadays, many small and large businesses are turning to MSPs (Managed Service Providers – people who provide Managed IT services), to make life easier when it comes to handling I.T. Indeed, some companies are even handing over their entire IT operations to MSPs, which leaves them with more time to concentrate on other aspects of…Continue Reading


Safety In The Cloud: The Security Benefits Of Using Cloud Computing

Contrary to popular public opinion, cloud computing can actually be far more secure than the locally managed systems, especially when it comes to the small and medium size enterprises. Here’s just some of the important security benefits of using Cloud computing for your business. Cloud Computing – The Benefits Multifactor authentication – Many Cloud computing…Continue Reading


Cloud Computing: The Benefits Still Outweigh The Risks

The cloud applications, platforms and infrastructure that many businesses rely upon today, utilize public web servers and the Internet for data transmission, which leaves their users open to a number of different security risks and vulnerabilities. Cloud users must also contend with additional nuisances like performance issues and service interruptions that periodically impact the websphere….Continue Reading


Bridging Technology’s Communication Gap

The number of remote workers is on the rise at many tech firms today, helping to meet organizational goals such as hiring the best qualified candidates regardless of their location, improving employee work/life balance and getting business tax breaks for saving the environment, by reducing the number of commuters on the road. On the other…Continue Reading


Keyboard Shortcuts Every Computer User Should Know

In recent studies, many computer users don’t know what simple keyboard shortcuts like “Ctrl+S” and “Ctrl+F” does. Below we’ve put together a brief description of handy shortcuts that every computer user should know. First let’s talk about some basics. “CTRL” is an abbreviation for Control, and it’s the main key on your Windows PC that…Continue Reading

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